[Glaslyn] Glaslyn's meeting changes

Suzi Moore suzipdm at hotmail.com
Tue Sep 1 19:16:51 PDT 2009

Greetings all,  

Due to mundane issues, I needed to change our meeting dates.  At our last populace, we agreed on the new times and places.  


Business meeting will be on the second Monday of the month starting at 6:30 (before fighter practice) at Northlakes Park.  This is where we hold fighter practice and the meetings are usually short so should not pose any conflicts for a while.  We will look for an indoor place for when the weather gets colder.  


Populace meetings will be held on the last Thurday starting at 7 at Airaklee and Ceinwen's home in Krum.  


I want to thank everyone for their understanding and support in this change.  


Micola Soranzo.  

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