[Glaslyn] Defender of the Flame

Gail gailh at fanninelectric.com
Thu Apr 1 14:45:42 PDT 2010

my Lady
I will be happy to help paint your scrolls. I am reluctant to loan my sable
brushes, so if you could bring what you want painted to Steppes fighter
practice I will assist.

or if you prefer to mail them? (time constraints?)

-----Original Message-----
From: glaslyn-bounces+gailh=fanninelectric.com at lists.ansteorra.org
[mailto:glaslyn-bounces+gailh=fanninelectric.com at lists.ansteorra.org]On
Behalf Of Finn Sionnach
Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2010 3:43 PM
To: Canton of Glaslyn - SCA, Inc.
Subject: Re: [Glaslyn] Defender of the Flame

While I (as always) have a pile of things hammering at me, I will be going
through the stuff I packed away for Troy today or
tomorrow, It might have been accidentally packed in there. Reaaally gonna
try for today. Wish me luck.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sheri Lofgren" <lady.seren at ymail.com>
To: "Glaslyn Canton of" <glaslyn at lists.ansteorra.org>
Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2010 8:18 AM
Subject: [Glaslyn] Defender of the Flame

Greetings fellow Glaslyners,

As we all know, Defender is right around the corner. We need scrolls. I have
unpainted scrolls ready for illumination. However, due to some minor chaos
and the move late last year, my paints and brushes have been misplaced. The
search for them is continuing but I am afraid we may indeed run out of time.
I am therefore asking for help in letting me borrow paints and brushes or
assistance in painting these scrolls. All illuminators will understand when
I say that paints and brushes are a personal thing (almost like another
fighter asking to borrow 'personal' armor. Please understand, your items
will only be on loan and will be taken care of to the best of my ability.
Due to finances I may only be able to replace a few paint brushes, but as of
right now I have nothing. Please help. Contact me at 940-799-7226 or
lady.seren at ymail.com.

Thank you,

Lady Seren

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