[Glaslyn] FW: this is chilling

Colleen/Keally ldycolleenokelly at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 31 17:19:49 PDT 2010

It seems to me that the easiest thing would be to not share your religious or political views on the this list. Send them to the people in your address book or share on facebook. 

Bantiarna Colleen O'Kelly

--- On Tue, 8/31/10, Gail <gailh at fanninelectric.com> wrote:

From: Gail <gailh at fanninelectric.com>
Subject: Re: [Glaslyn] FW: this is chilling
To: "'Canton of Glaslyn - SCA, Inc.'" <glaslyn at lists.ansteorra.org>
Date: Tuesday, August 31, 2010, 6:57 PM

dear Doug
I am *not* offended by your e-mail. I guess Ms. Mears missed the point that the question is not freedom of religion (or freedom not to have a religion) but rather,  other points.
Gail Hall

-----Original Message-----
From: glaslyn-bounces+gailh=fanninelectric.com at lists.ansteorra.org [mailto:glaslyn-bounces+gailh=fanninelectric.com at lists.ansteorra.org]On Behalf Of Michelle M. Mears
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 5:04 PM
To: Canton of Glaslyn - SCA, Inc.
Subject: Re: [Glaslyn] FW: this is chilling

Doug - I'm offended by this email.  Even if the President is muslim, which he clearly is not, it doesn't matter.  We can be any religion we want in the US, or even no religion at all.  Please do not send me any more emails criticizing Barack Obama.  Thank you.
Michelle M. Mears

On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 10:32 PM, Doug Turnage <wolf7777777 at hotmail.com> wrote:


Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2010 14:38:55 -0700
From: marmaduke76040 at yahoo.com
Subject: Fw: this is chilling
To: ceinwen7777777 at hotmail.com; wolf7777777 at hotmail.com; a_mcmillan32 at yahoo.com; ajmc2443 at yahoo.com; ezekiel_farley_27 at yahoo.com; nursetra23 at yahoo.com; skydevil_23 at yahoo.com; zjfarley at yahoo.com

--- On Mon, 8/30/10, Maxine Davis <tommyd at texasonline.net> wrote:

From: Maxine Davis <tommyd at texasonline.net>
Subject: Fw: this is chilling
To: "winnie Gonce" <winniegonce at netzero.net>, "Willie Davis" <marmaduke76040 at yahoo.com>, "Summer Saldivar" <summersaldivar at yahoo.com>, "Sharron Ellison" <hometodude at yahoo.com>, "Shanna Ortega" <aswa02 at yahoo.com>, "Louise Roson" <grandememe at ridgewoodcable.com>, "Dixie & Ricky Smiddy" <djrls at sbcglobal.net>, "Carole Corgill" <ccorgill at yahoo.com>, "Beth Davis" <jsnuffy1 at nts-online.net>, "Belinda Davis" <davis75180 at yahoo.com>, "Angela Davis" <a_mcmillan32 at yahoo.com>, "Alicea Neisser" <an2517 at yahoo.com>
Date: Monday, August 30, 2010, 2:25 PM






This is chilling... 

President  Truman 
established  one  day  a  year  as  a
"National Day of Prayer." 

President Reagan 
designated the
First Thursday in May of each year as 
the National Day of Prayer. 

In June 
Candidate Barack Obama 
declared that the USA Was no longer  a 
Christian nation. 
This year
President Obama 
canceled the 
21st annual National Day 
of Prayer ceremony 
at the White
House under the ruse 
Of "not wanting to offend anyone" 


On September 25, 2009 
from 4 am until 7  pm, 
a National Day of Prayer 
for the Muslim religion was Held on Capitol Hill, 
Beside the White House. 
There were over 50,000 Muslims that
Day  in  D.C. 


I guess it Doesn't matter 
if  "Christians" 
Are  offended  by  this  event - 
We  obviously
Don't  count  as 
"anyone"  Anymore. 

The direction
this country is headed 
should strike fear in the heart of every Christian,
especially knowing that the 
Muslim religion believes that if Christians cannot be
converted, they should be annihilated. 

This is not a Rumor 
Go  to  the  website 
To  confirm  this  info: 
( http://www.islamoncapitolhill.com/ )

Pay particular attention to the very bottom of the page: 
I hope that this information will stir your spirit. 

The words of 2 Chronicles 7:14   
"If my people, Who are called by my Name,
Will humble themselves And pray,  
And seek my face, and Turn from their Wicked ways, 
Then will I hear from Heaven 
And will forgive their Sin and will heal Their land." 

We must pray for Our nation, our communities,
Our families, and especially our children.  
They are the ones who are going to suffer the most.
If  we  don't  PRAY
May  God  have  Mercy. 

Please pass this on 
Maybe someone, somehow can figure out a way to put America 
back on the map as it was when we were growing up, 
a safe place to live,  and by
The Ten Commandments and Pledge of Allegiance.

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