[Glaslyn] Glaslyn Defender thanks

Baron of the Steppes baron at steppes.ansteorra.org
Sat Apr 23 08:56:36 PDT 2011

I wanted to publicly thank the Canton of Glaslyn for the hospitality shown
to me this past weekend at their event.

Thanks to the Canton for allowing me to sit under your pavilion.
Thank you to Lord Ricard and his family for the luncheon.
Thanks to Lady Aurelia and Centurion Fiacha for the lovely painted site
Thank you to the ladies of Glaslyn for allowing me to participate in both
the armored and rapier tournaments.
Thanks from my Lady, Baroness Genevieve, for all of the gifts sent to her,
and understanding of her absence due to the necessity of being at the BoD
Thanks to all of the opponents I got to face for helping me become a better

Thanks to everyone for working so hard to put on an incredibly fun event. It
was a day I will not soon forget (and I have the bruises to confirm that).

The welcome I received and the treatment given to me all day was an awesome
show of the closeness between the Barony and the Canton. Though miles and
water separate us, I feel that we are kin, and have never felt more welcome
in any of my travels.

Master Duncan Hepburn
Baron of the Steppes
Lord of Glaslyn
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