[Glaslyn] Newish to the Area

Nancy Chevalier chevalier8278 at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 25 16:52:48 PDT 2012

Welcome to the canton!   
You can ask me any questions you might have by giving me a call or asking them here on the list.  I am the current Exchequer and have been in the Canton for 11yrs now.
 Our seneshal and most of the folks hang out on facebook for the Canton of Glaslyn.
 You are also in luck Populace is this Thursday at 7pm at Luigi's Pizza on 380(University) next to the albertsons here in denton.  

Nancy Chevalier
Chevalier8278 at yahoo.com
(940) 453-1722

From: Lylli <ladylylli at yahoo.com>
To: "glaslyn at lists.ansteorra.org" <glaslyn at lists.ansteorra.org> 
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 3:47 PM
Subject: [Glaslyn] Newish to the Area

    My name is Lady Johanna Russel (Lori Whitacre) and I am trying to find some information to get involved with the group located here in Denton, I have recently moved to the area, although I originally hail from the Barony of Glymm Mere in the Kingdom of Antir. I have taken a bit of a break from the SCA (about a year and a half total) and I have recently found that I miss it so much. I looked through the kingdom website to try and find contact information for someone in the Canton, but it only listed that the Senechal's email was in the Black Star, and I was unsuccessful in finding that either. If someone could contact about getting involved and answer some questions, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance,

Lady Johanna Russel

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