[Glaslyn] May's Business meeting synopsis

Laura Birdsinger laolson76234 at gmail.com
Thu May 7 14:08:53 PDT 2015

Good Gentles, for those of you who missed the business meeting, here is a
quick synopsis of what was discussed.
1. Lady A'isha (Heather Everett) has had to resign as Exchequer due to
real life getting crazy busy. Therefore we need to accept bids for the
position of Exchequer thru the end of month. This is a must have office
for us as a Canton, so please consider helping out. I will attach the link
to the application and the instructions at the end of this missive.
2. For the continued growth and success of the Canton we also need a
Web Minister, the person who fills this position would be key in creating
our webpage on the Kingdom web space reserved for us. The link will
be the same as Exchequer.
3. Now that our Monkey Tourney has been successfully executed! It is
time to turn to our summer Artisan event at the end of August. If you
are interested in Autocrating this event, please place a bid with me by
the end of May.
4. New list field and youth rapier equipment purchases were approved and
the Canton will be changing storage unit companies as we have found
a more economical unit to serve our needs.
If you have any questions or concerns please PM here or by email or text
message. As always Glaslyn like the Phoenix is forever more rising!

Lady Maura

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