No subject

Tue Jun 28 18:51:48 PDT 2022

Get off on Valley Ridge, and head west.  Continue for
2.5 miles.  Watch for
a veritable 'farm' of 'school crossing' signs.
at Timbercreek, turn Left (worry not: you can't go
right!).  Take this 0.5
mile to the stopsign at Kirkpatrick.  After stopping,
continue one more
block to Colony.
at Colony, turn Left.  Don't get antsy and stomp the
gas, because you're
going only one Short block from there.
at Colonial Ct, turn left.  It's a cul-de-sac.  We're
at the bottom, to the
left of the 'for sale' house.  Please park nosed in at
the 'sac', or
parallel along the top of the street if you need to.
Again, don't fret:  if
the neighbors need to get out and they're blocked,
they will come knock on
the door and ask to have a vehicle moved!  For those
who prefer MapQuest to
Gerita's confusion, the address is 5417 Colonial Ct,
Flower Mound, 75028.
Phone remains the same:  972-355-6713.  If you want
personal directions,
contact David - he's never lost anyone, unlike his
wife - at 972-523-3515.
Cave ne ante ullas catapultas ambules!

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