My apologies. You sometimes lose things in the re-write. The party is being held at 1130 N Cottonwood Drive, Richardson, Texas, 75080. The mom unit -- "" wrote: This post is at the request of Anthony and Chris Abate Andre and Dante Sansovino (Anthony and Chris Abate) invite you all to a ! ! ! ! GOING AWAY PARTY ! ! ! ! ! on Saturday, July 1, from 2:00 pm until . . . . . Chris is leaving on July 23 to join the Army, and Anthony is planning to move away from home shortly after. Many of you could not share the joy of thier High School graduation because of a conflict on Memorial Day Weekend. They would really like the opportunity to say "until we meet again" to the rest of their 'family' before they start the next part of their life journey. Hot dogs and burgers will be provided, so bring bring your favorite side dish or dessert (or drinks). Come when you can, leave when you must. Everyone is welcome for however long they can stay. See you there, Anthony and Chris _______________________________________________ Glaslyn mailing list