[Hellsgate] LPT - The After Party

Daria Riley daria at brokenspit.com
Thu Aug 26 06:24:19 PDT 2010

RoaK and I have Chatted .

Helena and I have Chatted .

Mel and I have Chatted .


The After Party will take place OUTSIDE the Hall on the covered Patio


RoaK will start the charcoal and such while the rest of us clean the hall

Hall will be used for Bathrooms only (ok we might snag ice too)

So stash chairs and whatever else you want to sit yourself upon or stuff
upon in your car.


Please send me a note off list of what you can bring. If it is something
that needs to be kept cold, do not ask Kat for space for it in her kitchen,
she doesn't have any extra.


I know we have a bag of charcoal and some burgers from Temur, more Coal and
meat would be good. As past experience with our BBQ's have taught me, you
guys eat a lot of meat!


I am going to bring 10lbs of chicken quarters and bbq sauce for them.


We can use a few of the tables Liam is bringing outside as long as we wipe
them off and help him load them before we all leave.


We are almost there!!!!!!




Baroness Daria Riley

Web Minister ~ Stronghold of Hellsgate


Broken Spit Tavern



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