[Hellsgate] Rapier

Liam Gordon cenliamgordon2005 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 12 05:59:29 PST 2010

Greetings to the list...

The following missive is from Don Tivar...

Fair Greetings,
At Yule Revel this evening, some of the folks from Hellsgate were
asking about getting some rapier training and authorizations done. I
will be available either Sunday the 9th of January (the day after
Steppes 12th Night/Guardian of the Gauntlet) or Sunday the 23rd
(opposite King's Round Table in Stargate.)
Who else is interested, and which of those two days would be more
       -Tivar Moondragon

Also, Don Dore and Baroness Claire will be traveling through our lands the
Sunday after 12th night.

In Service,

Centurion Liam Gordon

Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit

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