[Hellsgate] Ceramic Feast Gear Class

Daria Riley daria at brokenspit.com
Sat Nov 27 05:56:18 PST 2010

I have all the stuff ready (finally) to give a class on making & decorating
your own ceramic (not clay) feast gear.


I have stuff for 4 to 6 people - cost is $5 per person

That covers a diner plate and mug, glazes, and firing


Anyone interested?


Also if you would like a wheel throwing class (clay) I can arrange that.
Cost is $15 per person (max of 2 students at a time)

Includes clay, tool use, shop time, and 1st firing.




Baroness Daria Riley

Web Minister ~ Stronghold of Hellsgate


Broken Spit Tavern



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