[Hellsgate] FW: [Bryn-gwlad] Reminder: Populace Polling for Baronial Candidates @ Wed Dec 1 7pm - 8pm (Bryn Gwlad Baronial Calendar)

Ronald Blackman eirik at hot.rr.com
Tue Nov 30 17:16:53 PST 2010

For those who are going, here's the info on the location.


Eirik Halfdanarson


From: bryn-gwlad-bounces+eirik=hot.rr.com at lists.ansteorra.org
[mailto:bryn-gwlad-bounces+eirik=hot.rr.com at lists.ansteorra.org] On Behalf
Of Google Calendar
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 7:03 PM
To: BG Virtual Scribe
Subject: [Bryn-gwlad] Reminder: Populace Polling for Baronial Candidates @
Wed Dec 1 7pm - 8pm (Bryn Gwlad Baronial Calendar)


Dl1ZDl2M3Y4NjggcG9nbG04aHMyZzBqNTl2ZHFoYmNqYTJxNHNAZw> more details >

Populace Polling for Baronial Candidates

Taking place at the Onion Creek Masonic Lodge No. 220 (
2&usg=AFQjCNGIFqGnB64OE56X9-oV28nOezcAIw>  ).

On the question of who may cast a vote in the polling:
.  Anyone who self-identifies this Barony as their primary group of
participation may cast a vote in the poll. Members of the Stronghold are
encouraged to vote, as the Baron and/or Baroness of this group will be in a
leadership position for their group as well.
.  It is not a requirement to live in a zip code assigned to this
Barony/Stronghold to vote.
.  You do not have to be a paid member of the SCA to vote.
.  Anyone who is able to fill out the ballot unassisted may vote in this
poll, however if they are a minor under the age of 16 their legal guardian
must also sign the ballot.

Remember this is a public opinion poll that will be weighed into the Crown's
selection.  This is not a popular vote for the position.


Wed Dec 1 7pm - 8pm Central Time


706 n. Bluff Dr Austin, tx 78745 (


Bryn Gwlad Baronial Calendar



vs.bryn.gwlad at gmail.com - creator

Invitation from Google Calendar <https://www.google.com/calendar/> 

You are receiving this email at the account vs.bryn.gwlad at gmail.com because
you set a reminder for this event on the calendar Bryn Gwlad Baronial

You can change your reminders for specific events in the event details page
in https://www.google.com/calendar/.


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