[Hellsgate] Silent auction

Ruiz ruizhorde at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 15 09:02:37 PST 2010

Keeping everyone updated on the items collected/promised for the silent auction:
Timur- leather balls
Liam- writing slant 
Brandou - ceremic plate/s
Ken - Box
Andy -circlets
Helene - Helm liner
Rod -2 set of chainmail earrings and shield blank
Barney - leather wallet/box
Keyna - Decorative spear
Mel - Undecided as of right now!!!! Should I do really cool spice mixtures that 
I am researching right now, or plate with Hellsgate device on it?
Help me decide!!!!
The colored item  already have the others are promised to me.
If I have missed you please let me know. Also please donate to our silent 
auction the funds go toward a new rapier and fixing heavy loaner armor.
Donate Donate Donate


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