[Hellsgate] Upcoming stuff...

ruizhorde at yahoo.com ruizhorde at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 22 09:22:00 PST 2010

We will have to see if the activity center is available to move the date of populace.

Good Cookies Come When They Are Called!


On Nov 22, 2010, at 8:31 AM, SoldierGrrrl <soldier.grrrl at gmail.com> wrote:

Good morning!

There are a few things I wanted to pass along...

One-  Our Baron and Baroness will be stepping down in February.

As members of the Barony, you have a say in the NEXT Baron and
Baroness.  The meet and greet for the Candidates is tomorrow night, at
Populace in the Park.  If you can, make it down and ask the Candidates
about their plans for Hellsgate.  If you can't, email them and ask.

This is VERY MUCH your Barony, as well as the folks down in Austin.
What you want to see happen is important to the current B&B and we
want to make sure we are important to the next B&B too.  (Not that
they could ignore us, even if they *WANTED* to.  We're too amazing for

You can find information on the Candidates here:
http://bryn-gwlad.ansteorra.org/candidates/  Go look at the page
(it'll be updated regularly) and if you have opinions, WRITE THE
CROWN.  They read all the letters and take them seriously.  Email the
candidates, talk with each other.   I've already sent my letter in.

Polling for the next B&B is on Dec. 1.  I'd like to move our Populace
meeting to 8 Dec to ensure anyone who wants to go poll can.  I
encourage EVERYONE to go poll.  Look below for polling information.

From the Baronial Calendar:  On the question of who may cast a vote in
the polling: • Anyone who self-identifies this Barony as their primary
group of participation may cast a vote in the poll. Members of the
Stronghold are encouraged to vote, as the Baron and/or Baroness of
this group will be in a leadership position for their group as well. •
It is not a requirement to live in a zip code assigned to this
Barony/Stronghold to vote. • You do not have to be a paid member of
the SCA to vote. • Anyone who is able to fill out the ballot
unassisted may vote in this poll, however if they are a minor under
the age of 16 their legal guardian must also sign the ballot. Remember
this is a public opinion poll that will be weighed into the Crown's
selection. This is not a popular vote for the position.

706 n. Bluff Dr Austin, tx 78745

DescriptionTaking place at the Onion Creek Masonic Lodge No. 220 (
http://www.onioncreeklodge220.org/ ).

Two-  Get ready for OUR YULE!  Plant to be there, as it looks like a
fabulous event!  Make sure you've coordinated with the Event Stewards
to let them know what you're bringing.

Three-  Gulf Wars.  If you're planning on going, and want to camp
together, please post to the list ASAP.  We'll need to let the BG land
organizer know so we can have a block o' land.

Thanks for all your hard work, y'all.

In Service to Country and Crown (and all you amazing people),
Helene Dalassene

"Whatever their fond sentiments for men and women in uniform, for most
Americans the war remains an abstraction – a distant and unpleasant
series of news items that do not affect them personally."- Robert
Gates, Secretary of Defense.
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