[Hellsgate] SCHEDULE CHANGE: Crucible event - May 14, 2011

SoldierGrrrl soldier.grrrl at gmail.com
Tue Oct 19 07:13:53 PDT 2010

Good morning, y'all....

Below is a letter I just got from Her Grace, Duchess Conal.

Right now, we have two or three options.

Option the first-  Pout, stomp our collective feet and pull the event.
 Please note:  This is NOT the option I want to pick.  Honestly, I
think the way we handle this will say a lot aobut us.  :-D

Option the second-  Move the event to the end of April.  This is Her
Grace's suggestion.  We'll have cooler weather and may not run into
the problem of brides picking all the really good sites for May

Option the third-  Move to the first weekend in June.  Make this a
dress rehearsal for Crown, and play it up big that way.  "Will the
next Heir be formed in the fires of Hellsgate's Crucible???"  Granted,
we may end up on the field of honor with Bridezillas, dueling at 40
paces with marshmallow catapults, but I think we could do it.

My preferences are as follows:  Three, two, one.  :-)

Please let me know ASAP, as I'd like to get this on the calendar today.

In service to Country and Crown,
Lady Helene Dalassene

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kingdom Seneschal <seneschal at ansteorra.org>
Date: Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 8:40 AM
Subject: Crucible event - May 14, 2011
To: SoldierGrrrl <soldier.grrrl at gmail.com>, gail young <gwynethb63 at yahoo.com>


The BoD will be holding their Spring 2011 meeting in Houston on 4/16,
the day of Coronation.  So unfortunately, the best weekend to move
Coronation is May 14th.  The weekends of 4/16 & 4/30 will be open.
Namron is running Beltane on 4/30 so that would be a good weekend for
Crucible.  4/16 is open but you won't get Crown attendance.  5/22 will
be Queens Champion and a lot of BG will be going to that, and again
there would be no Crown presence at your event.

Let me know your preference.

Sorry for the inconvenience,

Seneschal Ansteorra

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