[Hellsgate] Web page

Robert Ruiz timurborte at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 31 09:44:42 PDT 2011

Maybe a history of Hellsgate section. Where we could list notable events and competition winners.

Also a policy section so we have quick access to curent finacial policy.


 “If you want to know the measure of a man look at the shoes he wears“                                  

  Aristotle Onassis

On Aug 31, 2011, at 6:38 AM, Ron <eirik at hot.rr.com> wrote:

A discussion on the Bryn gwlad list hss sparked a question. I am going to be re-doing the page layout on the web site and wondered if anyone has anything they'd like to see on the web site?

Eirik Halfdanarson
Acting Web Minister

Sent from my Samsung smartphone on AT&T
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