[Hellsgate] a funny for your entertainment

Ruiz ruizhorde at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 17 18:36:07 PDT 2011

I was reading an article on Tudor deaths and this one hit home, me being a baker 
and all!!

5. Imagine an episode of Casualty. How could baking a loaf lead to a fatal 
accident? There's not even a gas oven or an electric gadget to worry about, 
because neither had been invented.
Elizabeth Bennet, spinster, was baking bread at the house of Matilda Nanfan, 
widow, at Birtsmorton, Worcestershire, on 29 January 1558. She went to the moat 
to collect cabbage leaves to put under the loaves she was baking. The fence 
broke and she fell into the moat and drowned.

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