[Hellsgate] populace

Robert Ruiz timurborte at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 31 12:11:01 PDT 2011

This is just afriendly reminder, Populace is this coming Wednesday at 7:00 pm. I 
would like to call for an officers meeting at 6:30 to cover a few brief items. 

August 2011 populace Agenda
Officers Reports: (officers please keep reports brief, 3 minutes or less if 
            Seneschal: Timur Borte
                        Round table summary                         
            Exchequer: Annabell 
            Knights Marshal:
            Arts and Science: 
            Herald: Kenya Morgan Oulton
                        Applied for regional herald.    
Chirurgeon: OPEN
Hospitlier: Melisenda de Barcelona   
Web Minister: Eric Halfdanarson (interim) 
            Accepting applications for office
Old Business: 
            Calendar review: July –September
1.      Hotter than Hellsgate, Aug. 13th 
            Loner gear: Update
Queens Champion: Liam
New Business: 
Court Etiquette class: Detlf
Closed pop at:
*Please remember we have a very short hour to get through all of the business. 
Keep additional conversations for after the meeting. Be as brief in your 
comments as possible. Raise your hand to be recognized instead of interrupting. 

In Service

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