[Hellsgate] An URGENT LETTER!!

Matthew Scholten dramascout at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 6 16:47:59 PST 2011

Mistress Melacinda,
I know my brother can not spell nor write So I am again tasked with penning  his ramblings. Lucas has heard word that Grim the Bald has been seen walking the shore line for a few weeks now. His Clann cousins in Ireland Have also seen a dragon boat off the shore headed this way.  It is imperative that all the citizens of the stronghold be aware that a Viking may be headed this way. We need to guard the sheep and keep all of our citizen’s close. If and when this dose occur I will ring the bells of the church and we should all rush to defend the walls as quickly as possible. We should also watch Grim closely as I believe he is in on the arrival of more of his kind.

Lucas De Argent 
Under the hand of Father Lanc


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