[Hellsgate] Archery at Bryn Gwlad fall Baronial

Patrick R tex_yankee2004 at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 22 14:15:51 PDT 2011

Come one come all to the archery event of the year in Bryn Gwlad. A new baronial archery champion will be determined this Saturday morning with an interesting and challenging shoot. Prizes that you have not imagined in your lifetime will be awarded at court on Sunday morning. In addition to the competition we will also have an open shooting time in the afternoon where all are welcome. No equipment is no problem as we have loaner equipment available. With the theme of England vs France all not archers are also invited to participate and add points for your country in the 4pm shoot. 
There are no excused not to come and have fun with us Saturday
Lord Dante 

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