[Hellsgate] Queen's Gate schedule

SoldierGrrrl soldier.grrrl at gmail.com
Tue Apr 24 06:35:54 PDT 2012

Good morning all!

Below is the schedule for QC gate.  Please let me know if you're on it and
you can't help out, or if you're willing to be a backup.

Thank you so much for all your help! I think I have one slot left, from
1100-1300.  For some reason I thought it was filled, but I seem to have
misplaced that information.  If you've volunteered to sit that shift and
I've left your name off, please let me know!

Thank you!

 Time Clerk Clerk  0800-0900 Diane Aubri  0900-1100 Coenred Detlef
1100-1300 Johan

 Time Cashier
 0800-1000 Daria
 1000-1200 Timur
 1200-1300 Daria

In service to crown and country I remain,
Helene Dalassene
"Whatever their fond sentiments for men and women in uniform, for most
Americans the war remains an abstraction – a distant and unpleasant series
of news items that do not affect them personally."- Robert Gates, Secretary
of Defense.

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