[Hellsgate] Geekfest Demo

Joe Simmons ESIMMONS001 at hot.rr.com
Thu Aug 2 08:14:40 PDT 2012

Greetings to the list,

OK, this is the "official" update and notice regarding the Geekfest Demo.

Place: Central Texas College Planetarium
When: August 17th and 18th
Times 17th 6 - 10 pm  18th  12 pm - 10 pm
We will have a classroom for our displays etc.
Fighting demos will occur outside on a cement area.

I do need to know how many heavy fighters will be participating and which 
day so that I may better schedule the demos.

During the approval process by the CTC Campus Police they have banned us 
from displaying and or carrying any type of dress steel.
They have also banned us from bows,arrows and rapiers.
This is in accordance with the campus weapons rules.
The Rapier ban is still being worked and hopefully will be lifted.
However, until further notice the only fighting we have been approved for by 
the Campus Police is Heavy.
The main reasons for the Rapier ban were they have steel blades (fencing 
weapons fall under the same ban) and they actually look like swords.
I apologize to the Rapier community for this SNAFU. However as mentioned we 
are hoping we can come to a agreement with the CTC Campus Police before the 
actual date of the Demo.
If anyone has a good video of the light fighting I would be more than happy 
to show it during the demo. I am also hoping to perhaps make one of our own.

I am not on the Baronial list, so if someone who is would be so kind as to 
pass this along it would be greatly appreciated.
Please feeel free to email with any further questions.

Yours in Service
Lord Eric Bentbow 

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