[Hellsgate] Geekfest Demo

Chris Zakes dontivar at gmail.com
Tue Aug 7 10:19:52 PDT 2012

At 11:17 AM 8/7/2012, you wrote:
>Greetings to the list,
>The final word is in on the light weapon fighting for GeekFest.  The 
>word is we cannot do it.  Lord Erik has taken his time to talk 
>directly with the Campus Police and the Campus Safety people. Their 
>final ruling is no, because the Rapiers are steel. Thank you Lord 
>Erik for trying.
>We could do it if we had, and used youth rapier equipment if it is 
>boffers. However, I believe that the youth rapier in Ansteorra does 
>not use boffers, but rather fencing foils/epees in which case we are 
>still banned because they are steel.
>We will continue to work this situation towards next years fest so 
>that hopefully with enough time and education we can get a go from 
>them for next year.
>With this in mind please do not even bring the light weapons in your 
>vehicles, they are not allowed on campus period.  All the other 
>things, armor, bucklers etc. are OK for display.

Okay. <sigh> Thanks for trying to encourage rational thought. I'll 
still be there with my marshalling gear and hands-on armor stuff.

         -Tivar Moondragon

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