[Hellsgate] FW: [bg_warcompany] July melee night on the 24th

Dave Goldie missinglink at phulesgold.com
Fri Jul 6 14:57:00 PDT 2012

For those interested in melee work.  I am going to try to make this one
since I have done no melee practice in over a year and BAM is coming up.


In Service,

Lord Coenred


From: bg_warcompany at yahoogroups.com [mailto:bg_warcompany at yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of K. Marsh
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2012 10:33 AM
To: War Company
Cc: Barony of Bryn Gwlad; Ffynnon Gate
Subject: [bg_warcompany] July melee night on the 24th



Since the second Tuesday in July is also the last practice before Crown, I
am moving our monthly melee night to the fourth Tuesday (the 24th) this
month.  This will allow the crossover fighters to participate in both the
War Company and the Light Brigade this month.


If you are interested in the War Company, please join our Yahoo group at
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bg_warcompany/    Joining the e-mail group
does not commit you to fight with us, but it does make it easier for us to
keep you informed.


Meanwhile, if newer (or older) fighters plan to fight with the war company
this Fall melee season, now is a good time to be working on war shields and
surcoats/jupons/tunics/dels with war company heraldry.  I can help with
these projects but you need to let me know what you want to work on.  With
enough demand we can do a group linen order.  We can make war shields on any
Thursday at open shop night at my house in Georgetown.  If you need help
with collecting the right materials let me know.  We can do a workshop
Saturday in July or August, but once September arrives many of us will be
booked every weekend through Thanksgiving.


Our melee events this fall will be the War of Ages in Ffynnon Gath on Sept.
8th and Bordermarch Melees Nov. 17th. 



Captain, Bryn Gwlad War Company  


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