[Hellsgate] Commander's Crucible

Chris Zakes dontivar at gmail.com
Thu Jul 12 16:31:14 PDT 2012

At 05:14 PM 7/12/2012, you wrote:

>To the populace of Hellsgate, I send greetings.
>Since I threw my name into the hat to be the event steward for Commanders'
>Crucible 2013 (thank you Stephen for backing me up), I thought I would throw
>out some things I have been thinking about concerning the event.
>First, the timing of the event is not the best.  We know that it is
>scheduled in conflict with Lillies War which draws folks out of the area.
>Additionally, the heat is an issue.  What would everyone say to moving the
>event to the fall?  The last weekend of October is a possibility as the only
>thing scheduled that weekend is in Lawton, Oklahoma.
>Second, I would like everyone's thoughts on changing the event from a
>camping event (which we had very few people aside from Hellsgate camping) to
>a long one day with a feast and an after fighting revel?

I expect a major reason why few people camped is because it *was* in 
the middle of Bryn Gwlad--why spend an hour setting up and taking 
down a tent if you can drive half an hour to air conditioning, 
showers and a proper bed at home? (And yes, the heat was probably 
another factor.)
But over the past ten or twenty years, Ansteorra has been moving more 
and more to one-day events and away from camping events. Some of us 
old fossils (who can remember when events lasted all day Saturday and 
half of Sunday--and maybe even some of Friday night) regret that.

As for conflicting with Lillies War, that's over 700 miles away (for 
comparison, Gulf War is just under 600 miles.) I don't think there 
are *that* many Ansteorrans--especially from around here--who go to 
Lillies, so I'm not sure that's a significant concern.

         -Tivar Moondragon
another interfering Bryn Gwlader <G> 

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