[Hellsgate] Sheep stomach

Chris Zakes dontivar at gmail.com
Mon Jul 30 19:17:36 PDT 2012

At 08:46 PM 7/30/2012, you wrote:

>Does anyone know where I can find a sheep stomach (already out of 
>the sheep for all you smarty pants) and sheep gut thread as well.
>Havarr Ericsson

If you have a Chinese grocery in your area, you *might* be able to 
find one there--the ones in the Austin area have some pretty... 
unusual items in their meat department. If  there's not one in your 
area, MT Supermarket on North Lamar  http://www.mtsupermarket.com/ or 
Hong Kong Supermarket on Parmer mught be worth a look.

         -Tivar Moondragon

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