[Hellsgate] Hellsgate's Commander's Crucible

Liam Gordon cenliamgordon2005 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 4 08:19:04 PDT 2012

Greetings to the Lists,

My apologies if you see this more than once.  I want to get this out to as
many folks as possible.

On June 15-17, the Stronghold of Hellsgate will be holding it's Premier
Champion's event, Commander's Crucible.  The site is Camp Mabry in Austin,

We will be choosing our Premier Champions in Chivalric, Rapier and A&S.

Formats will be determined on the day of the tournament.  As of right now,
if there are enough entrants to the Chivalric and Rapier lists, the
Commander's will be determined by melee.  The intent is to run either a
standard Ansteorran tourney or Swiss Five (on both fields), with the top
fighters advancing as melee commanders for the final rounds.

This is a camping event, although, it is pretty much a primitive site.  We
have running water on site, and electricity by the pavilion.

Site fee is $10.  For those who are 17 and younger, there will be no site
fee. $5 non-member surcharge still applies.

There will also be a bardic circle hosted by Lord Goldweard Saturday

I know that there will be some of you traveling to Lillies during this
time, and you will be sorely missed.

In Service to Crown and Country, I Remain,

Centurion Liam Gordon

Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit

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