[Hellsgate] Gulf War deeds and valor

Phelim and Myfanwy bb.bryngwlad at gmail.com
Sat Mar 24 17:18:48 PDT 2012

The war started a bit wet, but quickly the sun of Ansteorra broke through.  Bryn Gwlad and Hellsgate shined, making us very proud.

In camp, the strength of the group made the soldiers have a comfortable place to return after their battles.

In the fighting, although Ansteorra was greatly outnumbered, the heart of Ansteorra made the opposers recognize the skill and continued to scrape and fight for each point that they received.  Their Royal Majesties of Ansteorra continued to lead us in glory.  

In court, Thursday night, Her Majesty recognized Bryn Gwlad War Company's Light Brigade unit with the Queen's Battle ribbon for their cohesiveness and skill as a unit.  On Saturday afternoon following the Castle Battle, His Majesty bestowed the King's Battle Ribbon to Bryn Gwlad's War Company again for their cohesiveness and skill as a unit.  These two honors were achieved even though some of our members were pulled to fight with other units. 

In addition, we had three fighters from Bryn Gwlad chosen to fight in the Champion's battles.  Lorenzo and John Drake both won their bouts during the Rapier Championship.  Maelgwyn also won his bout in the Chivalric Championship.  (He was the only non-belt to win.)

The other tourneys that we know the outcomes for:  John Drake came in second in the rapier bear-pit tournament, John Drake and Miguel came in second in the rapier two-man melee tournament, and Tarquyn came in second in the Squires Tournament.  If there were other tournaments or feats that our Populace did well in, please give them word fame.

We saw many of our populace working hard, which helped Ansteorra take the volunteer war point.  For those who volunteered, thank you.  For those who stayed in camp and helped others volunteer, fight, or take classes, thank you.

We are greatly appreciative of everybody who works to make camp home.  We look forward to seeing the great feats next year!

Phelim and Myfanwy
Baron and Baroness of Bryn Gwlad
Lord and Lady of Hellsgate

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