Stephan stephan at hellsgatearts.org
Fri Mar 29 15:07:58 PDT 2013

Fair Gentiles of the list. I am running a face book page called Hellsgate Artisans. For those of you who are not aware, I use it to feature pictures and info on your great works whether it be on the field or any other for of A&S. I also post each practice and meeting as public events so that both our current attendees as well as the general public can see and hopefully become interested to this end.

But I need your help. I need everyone to go and like the page, and share it on their timeline. this way your friend will also know of its existence, and if interest are peaked perhaps they too become involved and like and share. Please alo like and share the post and events and click if you are attending. It is a great tool to get mass exposure.

The more active the page is the more it draws. People want to be part of groups of other happy active people and that's what I want the page to reflect. you may also post photos and links of interest to the page as well. Also each of the Guild Masters, Hospitaler,A&S Minister, and Seneschal are listed as admins and when they are on the page they post on the page as the page. So if you "talk " to the page or get a message from it it might not be me. 



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