[Hellsgate] Acceptances and returns.

Dave Goldie missinglink at phulesgold.com
Fri May 3 18:00:37 PDT 2013

To the populace of the Stornghold of Hellsgate do I, Coenred aet Rauenesdale
, send greeting.


Today was released the Laurel Letter of Acceptances and Returns.  The
following submissions were accepted:


Alexandra Bentbow. Device. Or, a bat-winged ounce rampant contourny sable
winged gules, a bordure azure semy of arrowheads inverted Or.


Asta Bassadottir. Name.


Beatrix Elizabeth Pembrooke. Name and device. Sable, a sheaf of besoms
inverted and an orle of triquetras argent.


Cynthia Chambers. Name. 

Nice 16th century English name!


Daria Riley. Badge. Purpure semy of butterflies Or, a squirrel rampant


Hauar Ericsson. Name. 

Submitted as Hávarr Eiríksson, further communication with the submitter
indicated that he preferred the Swedish Hauar Ericsson rather than the
submitted Old Norse form. We have changed the name to the submitter's
preferred form in order to meet the submitter's request.

Nice 14th century Swedish name!


Stephan Wilhelm Steger. Name. 

Submitted as Stephan Johannes Wilhelm Steger, no evidence was presented of
four-element names in German. Barring such evidence, the submitted name
cannot be registered. The submitter authorized dropping the element Johannes
to match a documented pattern; we have made that change in order to register
the name.


Valentine Culpepper. Name and device. Purpure, in pale three lit Arabic
lamps Or. 

Nice 16th century English name!


Good job all of you.  Thank you for your patience as these have worked
through the system.



In Service,

Lord Coenred aet Rauenesdale

Hellsgate Pursuivant

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