[Hellsgate] Reminder: Meet the Candidates at PiP

Phelim and Myfanwy bb.bryngwlad at gmail.com
Mon Oct 14 17:25:22 PDT 2013

This is just a reminder that tomorrow evening will be the first Meet the Candidates and it will be at Bryn Gwlad's PiP.  The seneschal is currently looking for an alternative location given the rain probability for tomorrow evening.  We will attempt to get that information out to everybody as quickly as possible.  We will try to get started at 7:30.

If you are not able to attend PiP, there will also be a Meet the Candidate this Thursday at Hellsgate's Social in the Park.

Phelim and Myfanwy
Baron and Baroness of Bryn Gwlad
Lord and Lady of Hellsgate

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