[Hellsgate] Second Saturday Discussion

Erwin Simmons ESIMMONS001 at HOT.RR.COM
Wed Apr 30 14:23:23 PDT 2014

Good Gentles of Hellsgate, as our Populace meeting is on the 7th (the 
first Wednesday) of May and our Second Saturday FP is on the 10th, I 
feel that we nay be better served to discuss this months via this manner 
than wait until 3 days prior.  The Queens Champion Tournament is being 
held on the 10th of May at Steppes.  I have no current idea how many of 
any of our populace is going to attend this event.  It looks (so far) 
like the weather will be nice for SCSFP. So please put in your two cents 
so that if we do cancel the consensus can be handled prior to populace. 
Thank You

In Service
Lord Eric Bentbow
Seneschal   Hellsgate

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