[Hellsgate] Change of plans

Stephan stephan at hellsgatearts.org
Fri Apr 25 11:09:57 PDT 2014

Quite understandable. I as well would love to go, however even if I had the money at this point, it looks doubtful. Worse still is that with my current study load and finals coming up my SCA calendar looks to be shut down til mid May. :( 

In humble service to the dream,
Ld. Stephan

 From: Erwin Simmons <ESIMMONS001 at HOT.RR.COM>
To: Stronghold of Hellsgate <hellsgate at lists.ansteorra.org> 
Sent: Friday, April 25, 2014 10:56 AM
Subject: [Hellsgate] Change of plans

Due to a number of things that have come up, most of all Lady 
Alexandra's back pain. I will not be attending BAD this weekend.  I do 
not want to leave her alone while she is having such trouble, and there 
are things that I really need to get accomplished that I have put off, 
some for far too long. So as sad as it is to say, I must choose the 
Adult choices this weekend.

Eric B.
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