[Hellsgate] Tonight's Social/FP

Erwin Simmons ESIMMONS001 at HOT.RR.COM
Thu Jan 23 07:33:32 PST 2014

Unto the gentles of Hellsgate. It would seem that Winter has arrived 
again. The high for today is 43, which we have already hit. It is 
supposed to be around 28 by 5pm. That of course does not include any 
possible wind chill.  I have checked three different weather forecasts. 
They all agree within a couple points of the temp. However there are 
variances on the precipitation. We apparently have either a 40% chance 
of freezing rain, 65% of snow or an 80% chance of sleet & snow mix.
If these predictions are correct I would suggest that sadly once again 
we should cancel social/FP.
Please sound off with your opinion.

In Service
Lord Eric Bentbow
Seneschal       Hellsgate

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