[Hellsgate] Last Night

Erwin Simmons ESIMMONS001 at HOT.RR.COM
Fri Mar 21 09:11:02 PDT 2014

My Lords and ladies, gentle all of Hellsgate, my dearest lady wife, Lady 
Alexandra wishes me to tender her apologies for the outburst from 
herself last evening.
She realized later that although a bit more quiet allowing the committee 
to complete it's work was required she handled it in an all together 
unladylike and impersonal manner.
She begs forgiveness of all present last evening and especially Lord 
Coenred who she feels she unduly upset, and is sorry for his early 
For myself I am sorry that the Finance Committee meeting ran longer than 
expected, however there was more business than originally expected. 
Since this is the second time we have attempted a meeting/class at the 
site and there have been minor problems and interruptions, I will in the 
future find a different location which will surely expedite matters.
Again apologies from both my lady and myself

In humble service
Lord Eric and Lady Alexandra Bentbow

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