[Hellsgate] Greetings and Salutations

JOSEPH RINELLA jrinella at kent.edu
Sat Apr 4 18:28:29 PDT 2015

Hello everyone,

I am SPC Joseph J. Rinella, IV, U.S. Army, and I have just joined the
Hellsgate Mailing List. I will be stationed at Fort Hood starting this
summer, and would like to join the SCA. I am mostly interested in heavy
combat and learning about medieval history and culture. I heard there were
several other soldiers in your ranks, and look forward to making all of
your acquaintance. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! Any
advice on a beginner in the SCA would be helpful as well.


SPC. Joseph J. Rinella, IV
U.S.A., AIT Student

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