[Hellsgate] Gulf Wars Land

Liam Gordon cenliamgordon2005 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 2 10:08:10 PST 2015

Good Afternoon,

My apologies if you get this multiple times... I know not everyone follows
the Book of Faces.

Due to some real life issues that have arisen, the Land Coordinators for
The Barony and The Stronghold have had to step down from the position.

In speaking with Her Excellency, it has been decided that I will be wearing
two hats this year. Kingdom Land and Baronial land. That being said,
though, she has put a caveat on me being the Baronial Land Guy (said in the
same tone as Achmed when talking to Guitar Guy)... I need a deputy. And I
see the wisdom in this... Due to everyone showing up Saturday and Sunday,
I'll be running around taking care of Kingdom Land issues... So, we'll need
someone to handle our areas while I'm taking care of the Kingdom...
Sooooooooo.... Who would like to be my Baronial/Stronghold Deputy this year?


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