[Hellsgate] Open Shop Night 5/5/2015 in Copperas Cove

K. Marsh maelgwyndda at yahoo.com
Sun May 3 15:53:43 PDT 2015

We will be hosting Open Shop on Monday night 5/5/2015 at our home in Copperas Cove from 6:30 to 10 PM.  We are returning to an old custom of Period Food Night on the first Monday of the month.  If you would like, feel free to bring out that new dish you've been wanting to try out on some unsuspecting victims...ahem, I mean "good friends who can give you honest opinions about it". We will provide a meat dish. 

Willoc will offer session 4 of the doublet-making workshop:  Lining.  Doublet-makers should bring their patterns, cloth and mock-ups. For everyone else, bring your armour plans, projects and your imagination!
 We are at 513 Margaret Lee Street in Copperas Cove.  Our house is cat-inhabited and kid-friendly.  Call (254) 404-5891 if you have questions or need directions.
Maelgwyn and Willoc

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