[Hellsgate] PiP- Canceled

Helene Dalassene helene.dalassene at gmail.com
Tue May 26 10:21:12 PDT 2015

Good afternoon,

I am passing this missive along from our Chivalric Marshall-


So I have been in communication with my rapier counterpart, Willoc, and the
Baroness. The recent flooding in Austin has left our usual venue at Beverly
Sheffield park in pretty poor shape. Thus for safety concerns and to
prevent our doing damage to the saturated ground of our fighting area we
have decided it best to cancel tonight's practice.

There are rumors of an alternate venue for an "unofficial practice". Those
who choose to fight elsewhere are reminded they do so as individuals as
such a gathering is not an officially sanctioned Society activity.

It has been suggested that those that want to hang out and socialize could
meet at a local restaurant for dinner. If you're interested in making that
happen, by all means set it up

Sorry to rain on people's parade again. (Pun intended). See you all next
week .....weather permitting.


I realize this is the *second* PiP called this month for weather, and I
thank everyone for their understand and their patience. Please, be safe,
stay out of low water areas if you can, and take care of each other.

In service to Country and Crown I remain,

Baroness Helene Dalassene

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