[Hellsgate] Reporting Information for September

Minister of Arts & Sciences moas at hellsgate.ansteorra.org
Wed Sep 28 07:02:50 PDT 2016

Greetings to the list,

The time has once again arisen to compile information for reporting on the
wondrous works the members of the Stronghold do for A&S! Please take a
moment to provide a short narrative of your individual work on projects for
the month and forward them to me for inclusion in my report. if you are a
guild principle please provide the same for your guild. Please remember to
include your SCA name & title if you have one or what you go by, so i can
ensue the proper spelling and attribution of your work.  Please forward
these by Monday October 3rd at 5 PM. I was recently made aware that some
submissions wen to the list instead of directly to me. Please do not reply,
but instead create a new email addressed to moas at hellsgate.ansteorra.org

In service to the dream,
Lord Stephan Wilhelm Steger
Minister of Arts and Sciences
Stronghold of Hellsgate

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