ANSTHRLD - So what do you think.....

tmcd at tmcd at
Sun Dec 5 13:07:27 PST 1999

On Sun, 5 Dec 1999, Timothy Rayburn <timothy_of_glastonbury at>
> But, wouldn't we be looking to register "Award of the Rising Star of
> Ansteorra" not just "Award of the Rising Star"?  I'm 99% sure that
> adding a branch name to the end is a valid way to register a name
> with permission to conflict, after all that is the entire concept
> behind the White Scarf Treaty was to allow other kingdoms to
> register the "Order of the White Scarf of X". Right?

An excellent point and example.  4/97 LoAR:

    Caid, Kingdom of. Order name for The Order of the White Scarf of Caid.
        Crescent has provided copies of letter of permission to
        conflict from all signers of the White Scarf treaty.  While
        normally adding the name of an SCA group is not sufficient to
        clear conflict, this is sufficiently different in conjunction
        with a letter of permission.

On the 10/99 LoAR, AEthelmearc returns,

    {AE}thelmearc, Kingdom of. Order name Order of the Caltrop. 
        The name conflicts with Caltrop Pursuivant, which is
        registered to the Kingdom of Calontir.  {AE}thelmearc has a
        letter to conflict from the King and Queen of Calontir.
        However, current practice allows someone owning Order of the X
        to use X Pursuivant and vice versa.  Therefore two such items
        are effectively identical.  Since we cannot register two
        identical items even with permission, the order name must be

So, for the instant case, "Award of the Rising Star" is not sufficient
to clear "House Rising Star" even with permission, but adding some
"blazonable difference" (if I may use the analogous term) with a LoPtC
can do it.

Again, thanks for settling things, Timothy!

Daniel de Lincolia
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