ANSTHRLD - Fwd: RE: Badge conflict check

Wendy Erisman wendye2 at
Wed Apr 12 19:03:34 PDT 2000

At 08:49 PM 4/12/00 -0500, I wrote:
>He wants (Fieldless) A lion's jambe erased bendwise argent.

I don't see any conflicts. There aren't all that many items under
Leg--Beast in the Ordinary.

The closest two are:

Berhtrad Athalbrand von Strassburg
          (Fieldless) A lion's gambe bendwise erased argent, sustaining by
the blade a sword bendwise sinister sable
	1 CD for fieldless vs. fieldless; 1 for adding sustained charge

Elsa de Lyon
         Azure, a lion's jambe erased bendwise shackled and chained with a
broken chain within a bordure embattled argent
	1 CD for fieldless vs. fielded; 1 for adding bordure


HL Gwenllian ferch Maredudd, Armillary Herald
Barony of Bryn Gwlad, Kingdom of Ansteorra

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