ANSTHRLD - Plenary Meeting at Coronation

Ansteorran Kingdom Star Principal Herald herald at
Tue Aug 8 13:34:30 PDT 2000

Howdy all

I am planning on holding the next Plenary meeting at 
Coronation. Any and all Heralds Scribes and Illuminors 
are requested to attend.

Unless you have a fully formed thought on the 
following, do not send me email on it. I have little 
enough time to answer all the email I have without 
running a debate as well. I am also not on this list so 
you can talk it to death here.

Currently on the Agenda:

Heraldic Titles - Who should get them? What Criteria? 
Should we follow what has been done in the past or copy 
another kingdoms practices? Should we change to a more 
period use of heraldic titles?

Ansteorran Heraldic Symposium - I want to hold this 
about a year from now. I need someone to head it. 
Please send in your apps if you are interested. Please 
compile your thoughts on what you all would like to see 
and do at the symposium

Ansteorran Scribe and Illuminator Symposium - Time is 
more relative here, but next year sometime would be 
good and not too near the Known World one. I need 
someone to head it. Please send in your apps if you are 
interested. Please compile your thoughts on what you 
all would like to see and do at the symposium

Do we want to combine these two symposiums?

New Heraldic Art position - What should this encompass? 
I have some ideas and a person in mind to head it but 
would like all your input.

As I think of neat things to talk about, I'll let you 
know. Questions are always welcome. If you have other 
topics that you would like to discuss, let me know

Borek, Star
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