ANSTHRLD - Device Help

James Hanke whitemage at
Thu Aug 31 21:31:02 PDT 2000

Greetings to the Heralds of Ansteorra

    My name is Morgan MacAlpin and I am the herald for Mendersham.  I
have a person in my shire that wishes to have the following on his
device:  a pile upside down Az & Vert, two bougets (one on each side of
the shield on top) with a falcon display,overall, in base a bow,
Argent.  He was told that it would not passed by a another Herald. I
think that it will and wanted some more input as to will it or will it
not pass.  Thank you for any help that ya'll might have in this matter.

In Service to the Dream

Morgan MacAlpin
Mendersham Pursuivant

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