[ANSTHRLD] List traffic?

Teceangl tierna at agora.rdrop.com
Mon Dec 17 05:54:36 PST 2001

> What are Christmas Cards?
> Are they those things I'm supposed to do when I finish all the LoAR bits
> I'm working on???

Most likely.  Bi-folded, colored envelopes, picture on the front.

Ours are labeled "Santa's Second String" and have eight individual
reindeer illustrations on them.  There's Smasher, Trancer, Financer
and Kicksin, Vomet, Stupid, Wander and Spitzen.

Smasher is having a drunken tantrum with lotsa booze bottles.
Trancer is in lotus position wearing a loincloth, meditating with a candle.
Financer is in a suit and tie at a desk with phone and computer.
Kicksin is about to back-kick something unseen into oblivion.
Vomet is looking rather green with his forehooves over his mouth.
Stupid sports a dopey expression, buck teeth, and a dunce cap.
Wander isn't there; only a milk carton with his picture and "Have you seen me?"
Spitzen is going for distance.

- Teceangl
 When you are told something that doesn't make sense -- challenge it!
				      - Shayk Da'ud ibn Auda

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