[ANSTHRLD] so what does Estencele do anyway, apply now :-)

Bordelon, Wendel Wendel_Bordelon at bmc.com
Sun Jul 8 20:14:45 PDT 2001

As many of you know, I am going to be busy for the next few years and so
really should give up the office and responsibilities of "Estencele"
Estencele is responsible for the care and feeding of the heraldry web pages
on the Ansteorran server.  http://heraldry.ansteorra.org  Star has issued a
call for applications.  I have been remiss in getting this out so that the
flood of applications can commence.  Get those pens and pencils ready.....

The job is basically a publisher/librarian.

On a monthly basis I:
  - Receive, convert to html, and post the ILoI, LoI and ICC/AICC files on
the web.
  - Update the database for the OandA search program.
  - Receive and post the submissions indexes from Asterisk.
  - and every now and then update the calendar on the front page.

On an as needed basis I also:
  - Administrator the Ansteorra Heralds list. This entails helping people
    unscribe or approving bounced items from time to time.

For the most part I have just been making sure the documents for the
processing submission are published on the web.  In grand total the care and
feeding of the web pages probably averages out to about 2 hours a month, in
20 minutes chunks.    Of course, the front page could REALLY use a new look
but that is something I am not likely to get to and is not a requirement.

And you get the best heraldic title Ansteorra has, in my humble opinion.


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