ANSTHRLD - Nine Worthies

Kathri at Kathri at
Sat Mar 10 02:22:58 PST 2001

I replied privately to Alisandre, telling her that some of the banners she 
made were still in use.  She thought she was replying to the list, and had 
words for you:

> And a note to all you heraldic artists out there--I can't tell you how many
> times I've recognized the artwork I did for someone on a submission form
> --but on their clothes, on their banner, on their chair, etc.   And I've 
been most
> happy that the ripples had spread. So if someone wants help
>  drawing something, DO it, because they'll eventually get it drawn somehow, 
> and then may use it as a template for other things.--don't let the 
> to put good heraldic art out there pass by, just because the project to 
hand is not
>  itself a big showy banner or something.
>  Hope that bit of incoherence made sense. It's Friday and I'm not used to 
>  this "getting up at 4:45" thing yet.
>  --Alisandrezzzzzzzzz

To which I say "amen."  In particular, the submission form becomes "the" 
source for armory.  I can't tell you how many times it's pulled to make an 
item for a person or for general regalia.  (I can't tell you because we just 
refiled the ones used for the Ladies of the Rose banner, the Steppes baronial 
banner project, and the Stargate baronial banner project, and those were only 
within the last 6 months or so.)

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