[ANSTHRLD] Asterisk?

Teceangl tierna at agora.rdrop.com
Thu Apr 25 01:46:05 PDT 2002

I need to contact the kingdom submissions herald.  The CoA Roster doesn't
tell me who that might be, nor does the kingdom heralds' website.  Tch.

An Ansteorran has landed in An Tir without having notified the proper people
and his letter of acceptance was likely returned to sender.  I have his
contact information.  He's eager to get the letter, though I've already
let him know his name passed on the August 2001 LoAR.

So could my opposite number please contact me?

- Teceangl Lions Blood
  tierna at agora.rdrop.com
 "We'll have to squash that rumor!   Wait . . . I started it . . . ."
					                 - a certain Herald

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