[ANSTHRLD] Zelda and a Badge.

Teceangl tierna at agora.rdrop.com
Sun Sep 29 15:35:36 PDT 2002

> > 2. Fieldless, A maiden maintaining a dexter wooden staff proper and
> > a sinister wooden bowl proper.
> Since you did not give a tincture after the maiden, the tincture
> applied is the next tincture specified, "proper".  "Human flesh
> proper" is deemed in the SCA to be a light color.  You don't have to
> specify her clothes or hair, but you can.

Actually, there needs to be a tincture for her clothing.  There is no
default "proper" for a human's clothing (save a wild man or savage).
Crining defaults to brown, but the PictDict specifically says that a
human figure's vesting (or lack thereof) should speficially be blazoned.

- Teceangl
       Migosh, you can't sleep now!  There's HERALDRY afoot!

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