[ANSTHRLD] The name Regina

C. L. Ward gunnora at vikinganswerlady.com
Mon Jul 7 10:50:47 PDT 2003

Bridgid asked:
>I know this will possibly sound like a
>dumb question but here goes. I am helping
>someone here that is thinking about using
>the name Regina, however, since we use
>Regina to refer to the queen then that
>name is a no-no. Am I correct?

The O&A has:

Regina Katherine Rollinson, Jul 1996 (Atenveldt)
Regina from Adiantum, May 1996 (An Tir)
Regina Gunnvor Morningstar, Dec 1989 (Ansteorra)
Regina Lisle, Jun 1989 (Calontir)
Kathleen Regina the Wild Irish Rose, Aug 1988 (East)
Regina Romsey, Feb 1982 (East)
Regina Masquer, Oct 1981 (West)

Reaney's "A Dictionary of English Surnames"
<Regina> (1203)

Academy of St. Gabriel Report #1513
<Regina> (Germany, 1262)

Academy of St. Gabriel Report #1105
<Regina> (Latinized form of the 12th century Gaelic feminine name


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